Member of the ECMLPKDD steering committee since 2019.
Member of the Steering Committee of the competence center for machine learning Rhine-Ruhr ML2R since 2019.
Action Editor since 2009 and Editorial Board Member since 2006 of the Machine Learning Journal ( MLJ ).
Member of a DFG review panel on National Research Data Infrastructures (NFDI) in 2020.
Member of the expert panel for the evaluation of the INRIA theme data and knowledge representation and processing in 2019.
Chair of an External Evaluation Committee for The Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education
in 2018.
Member of the technical organisation committee of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases ( NECTAR track chair ECMLPKDD-2012 | Journal track co-chair at ECMLPKDD-2016 | Program co-chairECMLPKDD-2018 ).
co-chair of the first workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs at ECMLPKDD 2006.
Co-chair of the project workshop on Learning and Inference
Tutorials, Colloquia, Invited Talks, ...
In 2020 I didn't travel much due to relocating and a pandemic.
In 2019 I gave an invited talk at the University of Exeter.
In 2018 I gave an invited talk at University of Amsterdam.
In 2017 I gave invited talks at KU Leuven and at the University of Luxembourg.
In 2016 I gave an invited talk at the Software engineering and Machine Learning workshop of the 10th Heinz Nixdorf Symposium and attended the Data Science Summit II on invitation.
Iin 2015 I didn't travel much due to relocating.
In 2014 I gave invited talks at the ECML workshop on New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns, at Microsoft Research in Redmond, at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, and at Chalmers University of Technology. Thanks to my hosts!
Algorithms for Predicting Structured Data tutorial with Shankar Vembu at the European Conference on Machine Learning.
Kernels for Structured Data tutorial at the InternationalConference on Machine Learning.
Kernel-Based Learning from Structured Data at the 2002 Summer School on Relational Data Mining in Helsinki.
ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining ( regularly PC member; Area ChairKDD-2016 | KDD-2017 )
International Conference on Machine Learning ( regularly PC member or Area Chair )
Conference on Artificial Intelligence ( Senior PC memberAAAI-2010 )
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence ( IJCAI-2009 | Senior PC memberIJCAI-2011 )
International Conference on Learning Representations ( Area Chair ICLR-2021 )
European Conference on Machine Learning ( regularly Area Chair or PC member, regularly journal track guest editorial board member )
International Word Wide Web Conference ( WWW-2010 )
International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs ( regularly PC member | Workshop Co-ChairMLG-2006 | Steering CommitteeMLG-2007 | Steering Committee MLG-2008 )
Guest Editor
Machine Learning and Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery special issues on ECMLPKDD 2016
Machine Learning special issue on Mining and Learning with Graphs
Co-investigator in the TU Wien Doctoral College for Secure and Intelligent Human-Centric
Digital Technologies.
Partner in the BMBWF project eInformatics @ Austria.
Partner in the BBSRC project Using bacteriophage to control Salmonella in pigs.
I received an Emmy Noether grant in 2010 for Machine Learning Algorithms for Constructing Novel Relational Structures
My project on Effective Well-Behaved Pattern Mining through Sampling was funded by a regular research grant from the DFG
Recognised for outstanding contributions to the EPSRC peer review process.
Received a best paper award from the Data Mining in Biomedical Informatics and Healthcare Workshop held at ICDM ('16)
Received a reviewer award at the International Conference on Machine Learning ('15)
Submission to the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases was among the best 4% and selected for publication in the respective special issue of Machine Learning ('09)
Best paper award, European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases ('06)
Nominated for the best thesis of the German society of computer science ('05)
Student best algorithmic paper award, International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming ('03)
Scholarship of the “Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst” ('00)
Teaching Related
External Examiner of the MSc Data Scince at the University of Sussex
Universtiy of Nottingham:
Teaching Mathematics for Computer Scientists (year 1, G51MCS);
Covering parts of Algorithms, Correctness, and Efficiency (year 2, G52ACE);
Supporting Enabling Technologies (pgr, G54ENA)
University of Bonn: Teaching Advanced Topics in Machine Learning: Kernel Methods and supporting Machine Learning.
External PhD Committees Koen Smets (University of Antwerp), Martial Hue (Ecole des Mines de Paris), Wannes Meert (KU Leuven), Licentiate discussion leader Frederik Johansson (Chalmer University of Technology)